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Grayson's Place-Sheridan Public Library

We can't thank our sweet friend Tricia Forman enough for everything she did to create 'Grayson's Place' at the Sheridan Public Library this past winter, 2016. A special thanks not only to her, but her husband Adam Manship who built the storage unit and puppet theatre you will see in the pictures below. It truly is beautiful and full of so many amazing items that were generously donated by many local places here in Indiana as well as other states, be sure to check out all the donors below and check out their pages. Grayson's Place will hold a special place in my heart as Grayson and I often visited the library while we lived in New Jersey, Westfield and Sheridan.

We hope this area brings joy to other children in the community and for those kids that can read they may ask, "Who is Grayson Dunham?", as his name is on everything that was donated to his space.

Brent and I are forever grateful for so many amazing people that have come into our lives creating lasting friendships and to help us keep Grayson's name alive. We are excited to bring Graysie to the library and share this special place with her in remembrance of her big brother.

Thank you to the library director, Steve Martin, for allowing the use of this space in the library. Thank you Adam Manship, for building the most awesome puppet theatre and storage table. Thank you to Carter Lumber for the material to build the awesomeness. Thank you to Bill Rawn for painting the puppet theatre marquee. Thank you to Always in Stitches for the fabric for the curtains. Thank you to Black Sheep Gifts for the puzzles. Thank you Kits & Kaboodle Classic Toys for the books and the puppet. Thank you My Unique Wooden Toys for the Indiana, handcrafted stick horse Thank you Indy Reads Books for the stack of books and the gift certificate for Grayson’s mama. Thank you Half Price Books for the boxes of books. Thank you Penguin Random House for the boxes of books. Thank you Steffy Wood Products, Inc. for the Indiana made book display. Thank you Lapp Toys for the handcrafted dump truck. Thank you Maple Landmark Woodcraft for the beautiful wooden puzzles. Thank you Folkmanis Puppets for the giant box of puppets. Thank you Community Playthings for the comfy couch for little bottoms. Thank you Flagship Carpetss for the rug to tie this space together. Thank you Manhattan Toy Company for the boxes of puppets, puppet rack and toys. Thank you Magna-Tiles for the 100 piece building set. Thank you Guidecraft Toys & Furniture for the wooden puzzles. Thank you CG Pro Prints for the wall clings of Grayson. Thank you Lakeshore Learning for the pair of puppets. Thank you Forest and River Manship, for giving up some time with your mommy for her to help get Grayson's Place created and also for picking out toys and puzzles of your own to put in Grayson’s Place.

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